Here Prada is 8 weeks old, This is Tre's new wrestling opponent
6 months
6 1/2 months
7 months
We have had a lot of fun watching her grow. We have gone through 4 pairs of shoes, a duvet and comforter, remote control, DVDs with the cases, countless rolls of t.p., and who knows what else that hasn't come up missing yet. In spite of all this, she is a great member of the family and we all love her. Yes, Kam too. I have seen him pet her a time or two.
6 1/2 months
7 months
We have had a lot of fun watching her grow. We have gone through 4 pairs of shoes, a duvet and comforter, remote control, DVDs with the cases, countless rolls of t.p., and who knows what else that hasn't come up missing yet. In spite of all this, she is a great member of the family and we all love her. Yes, Kam too. I have seen him pet her a time or two.