Here Prada is 8 weeks old, This is Tre's new wrestling opponent
6 months
6 1/2 months
7 months
We have had a lot of fun watching her grow. We have gone through 4 pairs of shoes, a duvet and comforter, remote control, DVDs with the cases, countless rolls of t.p., and who knows what else that hasn't come up missing yet. In spite of all this, she is a great member of the family and we all love her. Yes, Kam too. I have seen him pet her a time or two.
6 1/2 months
7 months
We have had a lot of fun watching her grow. We have gone through 4 pairs of shoes, a duvet and comforter, remote control, DVDs with the cases, countless rolls of t.p., and who knows what else that hasn't come up missing yet. In spite of all this, she is a great member of the family and we all love her. Yes, Kam too. I have seen him pet her a time or two.
that just makes me laugh. that's all there is to it. i am just sitting here laughing. call me, let's get together and do something.
Summer~I think he is so cute! We miss you guys, hope to see you soon so we can share babies!!!
Summer that is such a cute dog! But it really looks like a guy in a dog costume to me! LOL! I cannot believe how big she has gotten already! She looks like she is a good friend for the boys!
Love ya!!
YAY, I'm so happy to see you post Summer and I LOVE seeing Prada's growth pictures...I mean I've seen her from puppy to now, but I forgot how massive she really got...that last picture of her is SO adorable!
Hi Summer and Kam. I totally hear you. I got a great dane when I was about 6 months pregnant with Elle. Needless to say, Newman was give away right after elle was born...too big! I was excited to add you guys to my blog list.
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